I love Fall...the cooler air and falling leaves. I always look forward to caramel apples, my birthday, and Halloween. Take some time to enjoy it. Dare I say winter will come soon enough.
My son moved out recently and had a huge desk that he was going to throw out. It was broken and pretty much useless. Before anything is thrown out around here, the boys know that I like to check it out first to see if I can use it in any way. Well, it so happened that the top of the desk could indeed be repurposed...into a giant chalkboard. Check it out.
Whoa! Holy garage sales! I was on my way to get a few groceries, and within a 3 block radius I counted at least seven garage sale signs. Well, I couldn't just keep on driving and not stop...right? Good thing I didn't...I found some fun stuff for mere pennies. Gotta love those garage sales! Eh, I can get groceries later.
Wow, it's been a long time since my last post...but I'm back with a couple of crafty pots. I made more but didn't get a chance to photograph them before I gave them away. I'm working on another project too. I'll tell you about that in another post soon.
Look what my husband made me for Valentine's Day. I know, I can't believe it either. I guess after the chewing out I gave him last year for spending $160 on flowers, he decided to do something a little more me...lol I love this SO much better than flowers. On all the little tags inside the box he wrote reasons why he loves me. One of them says "because you're so thrifty" What a sweet guy!